AliasCrony is distributed as SHAREWARE: if you use it you should honor the shareware system by sending the requested fee to the author.
You may register AliasCrony by sending US $10 CASH (or an equivalent sum with your local currency) to the author at the address above. A shareware registration form is available inside AliasCrony 2.0.0.
Please, please, no checks: to cash them I must pay the bank about $23!!!!!
These are some things you can send me instead of the money:
√...original software,
√...shareware software (but only if you're the author),
√...books or Macintosh-related magazines subscription,
√...piece of new or used hardware.
√...CD-Audio (Rock, Country)
Special offers:
All registered users of any my other shareware program may register one copy of AliasCrony 2.0.0 at the special price of US $5. In that case, simply, write in the "comment" area of the registration form, which other shareware program you've already registered, then include $5 instead than $10.
Special licenses:
√...Site license: US $200
√...World license: US $1000 (a license to use the software in any your office around the world)
To register a special license, please follow this steps:
1) send an international (postal) money order to the address above,
2) send me a letter or an e-mail containing your personal data (the same data requested in the "normal" registration form).
AliasCrony 2.0.0 also can be included, without my previous permission, without changes and with this "Read Me", in all CD-ROM or disk shareware collections and in all CD-ROM or Disk magazines (anyway an e-mail or a notice will be welcome, as well as a copy of the magazine or media :-).
AliasCrony 2.0.0 may not be included in a commercial package without my permission.
• The unregistered version.
The AliasCrony 2.0.0 unregistered version is fully working, but shows always its about box, when you drag some items on its desktop icon or else if you open it by double-click.
When you register AliasCrony 2.0.0 the "irritating" about box don't more appear and any "unregistered" notice will be replaced by the registration infos.
Be careful: if you've an e-mail address you will receive the serial number as soon. To enter the serial number use the "Register Now" button, in the about box.
• Introduction.
The AliasCrony 2.0.0 package contains two versions of the application:
√...AliasCrony 2.0.0 (68K) for 68K Macs or, in emulation, for Power Macs.
√...AliasCrony 2.0.0 (PPC) for Power Macs.
AliasCrony is the ultimate alias manager. It has several features:
- Since aliases of applications lose the capability to have files dropped on, when the original is on a different volume, AliasCrony can create SuperAlias, a new alias kind, having drag capability always active.
- It can create aliases or SuperAliases and put them into specific folders with one keystroke, if you're using the Drag&Drop mode. From its menus, instead, you can select the destination folders by using a speedy way.
- It can update aliases (also as SuperAliases) on the fly or else through its menus.
- It can add, to aliases, some useful custom icon, freeing a bit of space on desktop (as before: you can add the custom icon on the fly or else by using the proper menu).
- It can scan all on-line volumes to create lists of:
a) attached aliases,
b) unattached aliases,
c) aliases and originals on different volumes.
The created lists return useful infos about the aliases, moreover, from these lists, AliasCrony can do several actions:
-It can retrieve and show aliases and originals.
-It can link/update/delete/move aliases.
-It can show the Finder's Info window, about aliases and originals.
- It can update aliases of applications to SuperAliases.
AliasCrony is Internet Config aware and requires at least System Seven to run.
• Menu File.
√...Menu item "New Alias": creates a new alias; after you've selected the original, AliasCrony shows a dialog containing various predefined destinations for your alias.
Predefined destinations: Apple Menu folder, Control Panels folder, Desktop folder, Extensions folder, Preferences folder, Print monitor folder, Startup folder, Shutdown folder, Font folder, User folder (the destination you want).
Note: AliasCrony doesn't copy, from target file to alias, the (eventual) custom icon, but let you see the original icon. The (eventual) custom icon, will appear the first time you open the alias (Finder updates it!).
The "Alias Destinations" dialog hasn't a "Cancel" button. To cancel select first the "User ƒ" destination, press return then select the "Cancel" button from "Put File" dialog.
√...Menu item "Update Alias": updates an existing alias; you should first select the alias, then the "new" original.
√...Menu item "Close window": if enabled closes the foreground window.
• Menu Goodies.
√...Menu item "New SuperAlias": the same of menu item "New Alias", but creates a SuperAlias, if the original is an application located on a volume different than the alias.
√...Menu item "Update to SuperAlias": the same of menu item "Update Alias", but attempts to enable the drag capability, if the original is an application located on a different volume than the alias.
SuperAlias Note: when you rebuild the desktop SuperAliases lose the drag capability. To avoid this prosy occurrence you should lock your SuperAlias (or update it again).
√...Menu item "Add drawer icon…": after yoy've selected an alias from the "Get File" dialog, AliasCrony shows another dialog from where you can choose one of five available drawer icons, then add it to your alias. You can pile the drawer icons on your desktop: five icons occupy the space of one normal icon and your desktob will be neat and well-arranged.
√...Menu item "Keys…": shows a list of DropKeys available.
• Menu Scan.
√...Menu item "Scan for unattached Aliases": scans all online volumes searching any unattached alias.
√...Menu item "Scan for attached Aliases": scans all online volumes searching any attached alias.
√...Menu item "Scan for Aliases & Original on different disks": scans all online volumes searching any alias of application on different volumes than original.
Notes: The "scan window" title is the name of volume currently examined. During the scan you may use any enabled menu item, but can't use the Drag & Drop features. By pressing escape or command-period, you can skip the volume currently examined.
Be careful: to skip the volume currently examined use command-period rather than escape key. Tracking escape key is very fast and its use is recommended to quickly skip all volumes to explore.
After completing the scan AliasCrony shows the "result window". There're nine (disabled) buttons corresponding to the (disabled) items of Menu Aliases. At the top of this window you can see a list of found aliases, any alias shows its whole pathname. When you choose an alias, from this list, some buttons/menu items become available; the alias icon appears at the bottom-left of the window while the found (or not found) original (partial) pathname appears at the bottom-center of the window.
Be careful: when a "result window" is active the entire menu "Scan" is disabled. To perform another scan you must close the window.
• Menu Aliases (and "result window" buttons).
√..."Show Original": shows the original, on disk.
√..."Show Alias": shows the alias, on disk.
√..."Delete": deletes the alias from disk.
√..."Update": updates the alias.
√..."Connect": connects the unattached alias.
√..."Trash": moves the alias to trash.
√..."Finder Info (original)": shows the Finder's info window of the Original.
√..."Finder Info (alias)": shows the Finder's info window of the Alias.
√..."Enable drag capability": transforms the selected alias to SuperAlias.
• Menu Internet.
√...Menu item "Copy my e-mail address": copies the author's e-mail address into clipboard.
√...Menu item "Copy my web pages URL": copies the author's web pages URL into clipboard.
√...Menu item "Send me e-mail": if Internet Config is available launches your favourite e-mailer to send an e-mail to the author.
√...Menu item "Jump to my web page": if Internet Config is available launches your favourite browser to visit the author's web pages.
• Drag&Drop (and more).
You can create aliases and put them in a specific folder with one keystroke.
Keys: Destination Folder:
a -------------------> Apple Menu folder
c -------------------> Control Panels folder
d -------------------> Desktop folder
e -------------------> Extensions folder
p -------------------> Preferences folder
m -------------------> Print monitor folder
s -------------------> Startup folder
u -------------------> Shutdown folder
f -------------------> Font folder
no key(or any other key)-> ask for destination
When you drag an item on AliasCrony's icon, holding down one key of above, then it puts all created aliases (adding to each alias's name the suffix ".alias") into the related folder. If no key is pressed, or if a different key is pressed, then AliasCrony shows a Put File dialog for each alias you want to create.
Additional Keys: Action:
ctrl -------------------> Makes SuperAlias, if needful.
opt -------------------> Adds to created alias a DrawerIcon (see below).
(additional keys can be used in junction with other keys, example: ctrl+opt+a attempts to create a SuperAliases, with DrawerIcons and put them into AppleMenu folder).
If you double-click on its icon, holding down the command key, then AliasCrony ask for an alias to update, then quits. If needful AliasCrony attempts to transform the alias to SuperAlias. Cool!
Note: attempting to create a SuperAlias olding down 'd' key is unnecessary, because AliasCrony creates the alias on the desktop of original volume. Instead if you select the desktop through a PutFile dialog, then AliasCrony put the created alias on default desktop: here you should make a SuperAlias.
If you drag items on AliasCrony icon while it's already open, after completing its job it remains open, also it quits.
Another Note: AliasCrony works on locked aliases even.
• Thanks for support, help and suggestion to:
√...Carla "The Stylist" Bidone
√...Alessandro "The Doctor" Giolitti
√...Lucilla "The Leader" Guendalina Moliterno
√...Alessandro "The Ace" Levi Montalcini
√...Masatsugu "The Best" Nagata
√...Fabrizio "The Guru" Oddone
√...Jim Stout for "Jim's CDEF".
• Version history:
2.0.0 All features are new as well as the name!
1.0.1 (Not released) Some improvement.
1.0.0 19 Jan 95, first release. Named Filealias.
• Author's note:
My software development group is made up by: me :-/
On the other hand, my beta-tester group is made up by: me :-(
This means that if you find a bug, both developer and beta-tester groups would greatly appreciate your reporting ;-)
And don't forget to register your copy of AliasCrony 2.0.0. Remember that a shareware author should be supported. If you don’t pay for shareware software today, you will pay much more tomorrow for exactly the same features (but enclosed in a 'nice' commercial box and with a 'friendly' copy protection...).
• Disclaimer.
AliasCrony shouldn't cause any damage, but you use it at your own risk. As an independent software developer, I can make no warranties whatsoever on it.